Monday, November 07, 2005

TV on mobiles proves a turn-off

Well it's being given away at the moment - TV (while not the true free to air) is now coming to the small screen .. so long as you are in coverage and got a 3G phone, but will it work longer term?

TV maybe the hero service for customer aquisition this Xmas and some customers could hopefully see they can do something with their 3G phone, finally... some talk has it that the phones sell themselves when TV is on. Reports from SE Asia tell of adult TV and mobile content being used to drive sales as in .. the 'dirty' salesman tactic of 'come into my office and let me show you what you can see on your small screen'

I'd say the biggest challenge is finding time in your everyday life where TV on your mobile works - travelling on the tube NO, in your car NO (way are you mad?), on the bus MAYBE ... sitting at home NO (got the bigscreen flatpanel LCD). So it's the late night home alone content that will sell Mobile TV.

Secondly cost - you have to get the mix between content and network fees just right. Your average MALE (face it sports, girls and mobiles are for boys) needs to have quality before they will start forking out extra £££'s on weekly basis. What are the operators going to offer to keep the lad's keen???,16559,1635968,00.html


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