Monday, November 07, 2005

mobile data costs too much

Tell us something we don’t already know! Survey findings conclude if mobile content was cheaper more people would buy it. Importantly it ignores the point - if there is a need for the service / content then there would be a demand.

Young people, trendsetters, and self-employed are big markets for new content and services but some of these are also the biggest penny pinchers. It’s far harder to get youth markets to increase their usage of mobile content (ie spend more) when they are living on borrowed money, part-time income or still at school/uni. Trendsetters and early adopters are more likely to see the benefit of a new service and be prepared to part cold hard cash for it.

At the moment mobile is in a limbo land as 3G needs to be more mainstream (whats the ratio of 3G to 2.5G users?) and service (or content) demand remains low. People are maybe inclined to try so of these new services, but its moving them from high customisers of their phones to demanding more that is the hard step

read the article …


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